Looking Back to 2022
The 2022 is coming to an end and we all know that we are a year closer to the day of our redemption. It is crucial time of the year which needs a close self examination.
There are things I have learned this year. But the greatest one is that I am great sinner and Christ is great saviour. I have wandered many times from the Good and Gracious King, but He never let me go to reap the fruits of my behavior. He came after me and rescued from the mess I put myself into. I have learned about His goodness to His people. All my hope rests on Christ, the rock of my salvation.
Where shall I begin to tell of His goodness? Where shall I end if I begin? He is good and gracious and merciful- and able.
I have learned by experience to not worry but cast my burden on Him for He cares for His people. This year, I worried and was anxious for many things which they did not get better by worrying. Instead, the good Lord was gracious and cared for me. I have learned that he cares for us and thus we should cast our burdens on Him- however how small they are.
He has worked all things for good. I have been in times of happiness and in times of sadness. He has led me faithfully and His hand had held even in situations which I could not see their usefulness. But even though I have not seen how expedient it was to be in such, I trust the Lord is wise and what My God ordains is Right.
I rejoice with those who rejoice whenever this year comes to their mind. Those who the Lord has granted healing, job, family and saved them.
I mourn with those who mourn when they think what happened to them this year. I pray for those who lost their loved ones this year, to them that are hurting, those who lost their jobs and those who are sick. It is indeed painful whenever people meet in this festive season and see that empty chair- a reminder that a dear one has been taken away from them in this world.
I thank God for dear friends for your edifying words they have shared with me. They have been a comfort when I have been down. They have encouraged in my walk with Christ. Very useful in my fight against sin, the devil and the world. Let us keep up the good work.
Let us continue in the doctrine which we have learned in the Bible and hold to it so dearly that it may not be snatched away by the wolves who come unawares in sheep’s clothing. Mark such and avoid. Stand in the ways in which Bible has instructed us.
Let us remember Times changes but God is immutable. Change and decay is all around us. May Christ, who is same yesterday, today and forever abide in us and we shall bear much fruit; for without Him we can do nothing. God bless you.