True Prayer, True Power |Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)
Look upward, and let us weep. O God, You have Live us we have given us a mighty weapon, and we have per- mitted it to rust. You have given us that which is as mighty as Yourself, and we have let that power lie dormant.
What must we say of ourselves when God has given us power in prayer-matchless power, full of blessedness to ourselves, and of unnumbered mercies to others and yet that power lies still. To Your people You have given a gift that is better than the sun or wind or life, and yet we permit it to lie still. We almost forget that we even wield the power. Weep, believer.
We have been defeated and our banners trail in the dust because we have not prayed. Go back to your God and confess before Him that you were armed and carried bows but turned your back in the day of battle. Your spirit has not been moved.
Wake up, wake up, and be astonished: you have neglected prayer. Wrestle and strive with your God, and the blessing shall come- the early and the latter rain of His mercy, and the earth shall bring forth plenteously, and all the nations shall call Him blessed.
Once more, look up and rejoice. You have not sought His face, but behold He cries to you still, “Seek my face.” What a blessed thing it is that the Master in heaven is always ready to hear! Let every vein of your heart be full to the brim with the rich blood of desire, and struggle and wrestle and strive with God for it, using the promises and pleading the attributes of God, and see if God does not give you your heart’s desire.
I challenge you to exceed in prayer the Master’s bounty. Believe Him to be more than He is. Open your mouth so wide that He cannot fill it. Go to Him now for more faith than the promise warrants. Venture it, risk it, outdo the Eternal if it is possible. See if through believing Him, He does not fulfill the promise and richly bless you with the anointing oil of His Spirit by which you will be strong in prayer. He will hear you, and shall yet pray as prevailing princes.
Father, I seek Your face. Your promise is overwhelming. Fill me with faith. Amen.
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