Come Thou Font of Every Blessing

Come Thou Font of Every Blessing

Come thou Fount of every blessing,tune my heart to sing thy grace;streams of mercy, never ceasing,call for songs of loudest praise.Teach me some melodious sonnet,sung by flaming tongues above.Praise the mount I’m fixed upon itmount of God’s redeeming love. Here I find my greatest treasure;hither by thy help I’ve come;and I hope, by thy good…

A Mighty Fortress Is our God

1 A mighty fortress is our God,a bulwark never failing;our helper he, amid the floodof mortal ills prevailing.For still our ancient foedoes seek to work us woe;his craft and power are great,and armed with cruel hate,on earth is not his equal. 2 Did we in our own strength confide,our striving would be losing,were not the…

Christianity Mockery at Paris 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony

Christianity Mockery at Paris 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony

The critics of the Christian religion and pagans have been mocking Christianity for a long time now. But what happened on Friday at the Olympic Games 2024 opening ceremony in Paris France was way too far. The ceremony, which featured drag queens and artists made a spectacle of the famous Leonardo DaVinci painting, the Last…

Popular lies about hell

Popular Lies about Hell

The term ‘hell’ is not my invention. It has been there for centuries and it is found in the Bible. The subject of hell is shunned by many professing Christians. Some reject it while others ignore it altogether. A study some years back showed that 72 percent of American Christians believe in a literal heaven…

Story behind the Hymn; When peace like a river attendeth my way.

Story behind the hymn It is well with my soul

Life can be so unpredictable—joys and sorrows, beautiful blessings and distressing difficulties can come unexpectedly. Our life’s dreams and plans can change in an instant. We all know this to be true. So how can we find peace amid such turbulence? Horatio Spafford knew something about life’s unexpected challenges. He was a successful attorney and…