Prayer for Believers
May God help us to carry the radiance of his grace wherever we go. That we will always be found to be faithful, kind, loving, gentle, and meek.
That we may always know when to speak and that he may grant us wisdom to know how to answer every man.
That His love may be made manifest in the world through the loving of true brethren. That we may be intentional in our love for one another. That we may encourage and be Barnabas(s) of today. That we may correct the brethren who are erring with the spirit of gentleness.
I also pray that in His mercy he may bring back those who wandered away. That he may grant forgiveness to us for our iniquities. That He may keep us grounded on God’s word.
That he will give us the courage to stand for His word. That God will raise men to stand for God’s truth. That he will give us the courage to reach out to the lost among us with His everlasting Gospel. Through our love for them, we would warn them of the danger they are in the wages of sin, and the wrath of God. That we may tell them of sweet Jesus, and of salvation found in Him and the freeness of it.
That he may give us grace to pray and commune with him in prayer. That we may learn to cast our cares on Him because he cares for us. That He may teach and help us learn that when our prayers are not answered the way we wanted, it is because God gave us something better. That we may rejoice in trials and when our plans are thwarted, that we may rest in Him.
I pray that also we may learn to be content. That when he has blessed us, we may be humble and not proud. And also when we have lacked, we may not be jealous of others but be content with what God has blessed us with.
Lastly, I pray that we may live peacefully with all men, that we may stand in faith, and that we may proclaim the word to all the world. That all believers may hate sin and flee from it.