Should men fear women? Proverbs 2:16-19
It started as a tweet “fear women” and then it was a trending topic for days. Gender wars never end in social media. Whenever a man is found to have done something bad, the blame is put on men and vice versa.
should men fear women? Men should not fear women for God created women for men but men should fear immoral women.
In this article, I am going to show you why you should fear certain women which scripture calls ‘strange women.’ This kind of woman will ruin your life and you must run from her.
Though man was very good when he was created, God saw that it was not good for a man to be alone, and thus he created him a helper fit for him. This helper was a woman. A woman means, made from a man. God made a woman from a man’s rib.
Because of sin, neither man nor woman is perfect. Both are sinners in need of a Savior. The reason we hear and see evil, revenge, unfaithfulness, divorce, and all manner of wickedness is because of sin.
Fear Strange Woman
Dear, the Bible does mention a kind of woman it calls strange. A strange woman is any woman who does not follow God’s word. The Scripture says that she forget the covenant of the Lord.
16 To deliver you from the immoral woman,
Proverbs 2:16-19 NKJV
From the seductress who flatters with her words,
17 Who forsakes the companion of her youth,
And forgets the covenant of her God.
18 For her house [a]leads down to death,
And her paths to the dead;
19 None who go to her return,
Nor do they [b]regain the paths of life—
The writer of proverbs tells His son how Lord is able to deliver him from a strange, immoral adulterous woman. This scripture speaks volumes about how young men should conduct themselves. We should not let sin reign in our mortal.
We live in an age where fornication and committing sexual intimacy with women who are way above their age are being normalized. The sugar mummies are out to hunt down young men. If you tread on this path, you will be done because her door lies in the path of death. Many young people have been killed because of scandals like these not forgetting some who have contracted incurable diseases from these ungodly behaviors.
Get away from Immoral Women
My friend, it is not enough that you have said no. You should close all the communications and the ways in which she may get in touch with you. The scripture says that the words of an adulterous woman are like honey from a honeycomb. You must not entertain the thought that you are safe from her.
The heart is deceitful and you should not trust your heart. The words are like honey from a honeycomb and her mouth is smoother than the oil. Her words will make you a fool and will have you like her captive. Samson was such one, he thought he would always win and keep the secret of where his strength lay. And although he tried to lie about it several times, he was later caught.
For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, And her mouth is smoother than oil
Proverbs 5:3 KJV
Lust and passions are strong in youth as in old men. Nobody is free from lust. The scriptures even warn us that whoever thinks that he stands should take heed lest he falls. There are many young men and women who lived sexually immoral life and prove the consequences of their own actions.
Don’t just go after women. They won’t satisfy your lusts. Instead, starve your lusts by feasting on the word of God daily and avoid the company of evil men. This is very important.
Keeping people who are not Christians as your best friends will prove to you to be a thorn in the flesh. They will quench your spirit and they will water your lusts. Then you will find your zeal to grow in holiness slowly diminishing and then you will start having a soft voice on sin. Before you realize it, you will find yourself in sin. How many people can tell you how their unsaved friends made them backslide?
Remember to make your friendships intentional and always make boundaries with the opposite gender. Do not presume that you are safe and there is nothing that can happen. Do not bring up excuses to support your unchristian behavior. It is that time you will fall.
Maybe you may think these things are so common and that you hear them daily. But never ignore what scripture says about interacting with immoral women or committing adultery. This is a serious sin that God will punish.