Are you new to Nairobi Kenya and not sure of a sound church to attend on Sunday? Or are you tired of the prosperity gospel and you are looking for a sound congregation of saints where you will hear God’s word preached without man’s teachings?
Below are the churches in Nairobi Kenya that are sound and have been proven to be faithful to God’s word and where the gospel is proclaimed.
1. Emmanuel Baptist Church
Emmanuel Baptist Church is a Bible Believing congregation, committed to proclaiming the gospel and displaying God’s love and holiness to the watching world.
This church is located in Lavington along King’ara Road. They do have morning classes that start at 9:00 am to 10:00 am and service starts from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. The songs are mainly hymns and sermons are done in expository preaching. Pastor Ken Mbugua and Pastor Joshua Lemayian are some of the pastors who lead the church together with the elders. You can find directions here.
2. Cornerstone Baptist Umoja
This church, Cornerstone Baptist Church (CBC) is located adjacent to Obama offices in Umoja. They have morning classes (adult hour) from 9:00 am to 10:00 am and service starts from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. The songs are mainly hymns both English and Kiswahili. Pastor Philiph Ipala serves there.
If you live along Kangundo Road and Umoja, this is the reformed congregation near you.
3. Trinity Baptist Church Nairobi
This church is located in Donholm, along Savannah Road near Donholm Primary School. If you are in Donholm, join this church on Sunday for God-honoring, Christ-exalting, Holy Spirit-empowered expository preaching and very welcoming. Join them every Sunday and be blessed. To know more about Trinity Baptist Church Donholm, follow them here.
4. NorthPoint Baptist Church Nairobi
NorthPoint Baptist is a new church gathering regularly in Northern Nairobi off Kiambu Road. We covenanted together in October of 2023. North Point Baptist Church is an independent, conservative, evangelical Church in Nairobi. They have been commissioned out of Emmanuel Baptist Church (EBC) in Lavington Nairobi. (www.ebcnairobi.org)
Below are the gatherings of the North Point Baptist Church.
9:00 am – 9:50 am: AM Core Seminars (Bible Study hour)
10:00 am -12:00 pm: Main Service
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm: Fellowship Lunch
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Afternoon Service (Prayer meeting)*
*except for the 3rd Sunday of every month
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Midweek Bible Study
For more details, check the church’s website here.
5. Thika Road Baptist Church
Thika Road Baptist Church is located on Thika Road Super Highway, 1059 meters away from Royasambu. It was started in 1965. Their vision and mission is Philippians 2:16, “Holding Forth the Word of Life; that I May Rejoice in the Day of Christ, that I have not Run in Vain, Neither Laboured in Vain.”
6. Bethzatha Baptist Church
Bethesda Baptist Church is located in Harmony Court, House 10, Fedha in Nairobi. It is a reformed Baptist Church (believing and practicing the Doctrines of Grace and preaching the whole counsel of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. More about this church can be found on the church’s website. See what to expect from their service here.
7. GracePoint Church Kikuyu
This church is located along Kikuyu Ondiri Road Kikuyu. It is a church whose mission is to faithfully teach God’s word to men and women. You should check out this congregation of saints if you are around Kikuyu. Check out more about GracePoint Church Kikuyu here.
8. Upendo Gospel Community Church
Upendo Gospel Community Church (UGCC) is a Reformed Baptist congregation located along Waiyaki Way. Our aim is to give the Triune God His due adoration and Worship. Sunday service begins from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
UGCC’s mission is to glorify Jesus Christ and make Him known to all around us. Her vision is to be a beacon of Christ’s love for his people all over Kenya and the world. Pastor Joe Thwagi is the head pastor of UGCC. Check their statement of faith here and more about them from the website.
9. Grace Baptist Church Nairobi
Grace Baptist Church Nairobi is a Confessional Reformed Baptist Church based in Nairobi. According to their older blog, Grace Baptist Church Nairobi is a fellowship whose fundamental confession is ‘Jesus is Lord’.Its purpose is to glorify God in its worship and witness and in the building up of His people.
Grace Baptist Church Nairobi meets every Sunday at Kufuga Road, Karen C area in Nairobi. This church subscribes to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Join them on Sunday if you are able. Contacts and related information can be found here.
10. Redeemer Bible Church (RBC), Karen
Redeemer Bible Church (RBC) is striving to be a healthy church that faithfully preaches the Bible, clearly understands and lives out the life-changing power of the gospel, and is committed to making and maturing faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
RBC is a Bible-congregation, committed to proclaiming the gospel and displaying God’s love and holiness to the watching world.
Through the weekly preaching of the message of Jesus Christ, we have seen people come to saving faith, and believers growing mature and fruitful in the faith.
We trust God to continue blessing our commitment to preaching His Word, living it, signing it together, praying it, and seeing it demonstrated in the Lord’s Supper and baptism.
Redeemer Bible Church (RBC) Karen Village (ACC Building) along Ngong Road in Nairobi. Sunday service starts from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. They also have a Bible Study hour from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. For more information, reach out to their website here.
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