Is God Punishing Me? Chastisement: Hebrews 12:1-11
Just like untilled ground brings up weeds and soon becomes a forest, so will the young children become if they are not disciplined to walk in the ways of God. In this fallen world which lies in the lap of the wicked one, we don’t learn what is good naturally, it takes pains, instructions, rebukes, encouragement and even discipline to learn what is good and practice it. And so does God’s chastisement to His children.
‘Spare the rod, spoil the child’ is a very true statement when it comes to discipline. Some things children won’t learn through the school of ease only. And so does to God’s people, His rod and staff must comfort them. Those who perish are not disciplined. They are left to their own devices and given freedom to engage in their own indulgences.
Our parents did put much effort to discipline us and teach us. It is never easy, moreso the discipline part. I remember when I was young, I thought I would be happy if my parents just let me have my own way. How foolish I was then!
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God also disciplines and chastised those who he has graciously saved by His Sovereign will. God disciplines us because truly we are his sons and daughters. Notice when our parents disciplined us, they did so because of love and because we were their children.
God chastens those he loves. Just like a good branch is pruned so that it may give much fruit, so does God prune his own through trials and afflictions.
Chastening is a blessing to Christian’s, not a curse. You may think that your life would be better if otherwise, but just know all the suffering you may encounter has a price.
Chastisement is not joyous but grievous. It is painful and sorrowful. The Bible admits it in Hebrews12:5-11
It is better that when all these things happen to you, you learn something so that these blessings in disguise be not wasted.
Without chastening, we would become thieves, abusive, dishonest, etc. No doubt still sin prevails even through this but when this is not undertaken, the result would be worse.
Parents mind only their children.They correct them for their own pleasure so that they do not become stiff-necked self-willed people. Spare the rod, spoil the child is a very true saying. You can imagine what a child that will become that was never warned.
Our parents corrected us only in the way they thought it best. They were not perfect, but here God chastens us perfectly. He will make sure what He gives us is for exactly enough for us. He will not use too much or too little. That cup of affliction is given in love by wise Physician.
Our parents chastening was always imperfect. Either sometimes was driven by anger and thus given their kids too much. From love it was too little and many times they idolised them too much. But God’s chastisement was sent in love to His children. Dear Saint, He whose Love never fades will always work in you that which is good.
The reason is that we may share in His Holiness. Afflictions administered will lead to increased holiness.
And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons?“My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord,
Hebrews 12: 5 [ESV]
nor be weary when reproved by him.
‘Like father like son’, is a statement every father would be happy to hear said of his child. Holy God chastises his children so that they may share in His Holiness.
God does not punish his children. All their sins have already been paid by Christ Jesus. God is working all things for your good even though they may not seem to be so. Perhaps God is chastening you to conform you to his image. Shalom.
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