Meet ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ Eliud Wekesa who claims to be Jesus.
If you think you have seen it all, meet Eliud Wekesa who claims to be Jesus Christ of the Bible. Commonly known as ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ meaning Jesus of Tongaren, Tongaren is a place in Bungoma where the self-proclaimed jesus comes from.
He has succeeded into deceiving some people from his village that he is real Jesus. He claims to have 12 disciples and even to have performed a miracle of turning water into tea, which many of his cult drank and took some home.
Regarded by his faithful as the messiah who has powers to heal and perform miracles, men worship and kneel before him. They also refer to him as ‘mwalimu yesu’ which means teacher Jesus.
‘Mwalimu Yesu’ is a class eight drop-out and father of eight who has been trending on social media in Kenya after claiming he is Jesus.
- He is a Biblical Christian Messiah.
- Only 168 000 people will get to heaven. In Nairobi city in Kenya only two people will see heaven. That’s shocking right?
- Performed a miracle of turning water into tea.
- Applying lipstick, eating pork will get you to hell.
Is Yesu wa Tongaren Real Jesus?
In this article, I will point to the false teachings about Eliud Wekesa.
Eliud Wekesa Is not Jesus Christ
The biblical Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judah. Yesu wa Tongaren was born in Tongaren recently in Bungoma, 4962 km away from Bethleheem where real Jesus was born.
Jesus was born in a Jewish community and with no doubt, he was like an ordinary jew. Eliud wekesa was is a luhyah and there is no anyone whose lineage who is a jew.
- He claims to be performing miracles
Eliud Wekesa claims to be able to perform miracles that only his members are aware of. It was claimed that he turned water into ‘chai’ (tea). ‘Na hiyo chai ilikuwa tamu sana’ one of the members of his church said in an interview.
There is no record of anyone outside his camp confirming those miracles.
- Jesus is not going to come back through birth.
Though he claims to be Jesus, he is very ignorant of what the scriptures teach. Jesus said that he will come again through the clouds. He shall descend and every eye shall see him. Eliud Wekesa seems not to get this straight.
He has succeeded in deceiving some men in his village into following him. His wife and children and followers worship him.
Before him there was another man who came from that tribe who claimed to be God. He practiced blasphemy by taking name Jehova and adding it to his name Wanyonyi. Well, when God wanted, wanyonyi died. There was no record of him repenting for starting cult and deceiving so many people.
Eliud Wekesa must repent and stop lying to the people. He is a fake prophet and his cult is satanic. Taking the name of Jesus is a very dangerous sin. He is one of the many that Jesus spoke of when he said that, “there will be many false christs.”
For there will arise false Christs, and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.
Mathew 24:24
Brothers, take heed that you do not be deceived by false teachers and antichrists.