
Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy

Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy

1. Brightly beams our Father’s mercy;From his lighthouse evermore,But to us he gives the keepingOf the lights along the shore. [Chorus]Let the lower lights be burning;Send a gleam across the wave.Some poor fainting, struggling seamanYou may rescue, you may save. 2. Dark the night of sin has settled;Loud the angry billows roar.Eager eyes are watching,…

Merry Christmas 2022, Pilgrim meditations


Merry Christmas 2022! Is Christmas losing what we thought it was or are we just getting old? This is the question that came to my mind when I thought that Christmas is just around the corner. What Christmas used to be like Growing up in an African Kenyan village, Christmas was that time of the…

Why Sing Hymns? There’s rich theology in hymns, John MacArthur says

Let me explain worship in a simple way. The deeper your understanding of the truth of God, the deeper your understanding of God Himself, the higher your worship goes. Worship is directly correlated to understanding. The richer your theology, the more full your grasp of biblical truth, the more elevated your worship becomes. You don’t…

Shun Everything which may prove an occasion of Sin. by J C Ryle

It is an excellent saying, “He that would be safe from the acts of evil, must widely avoid the occasions.” There is an old fable, that the butterfly once asked the owl how she should deal with the fire, which had singed her wings; and the owl counseled her, in reply, not to even look…

The Christmas Question: Its Origin and whether you should Celebrate.

Every year, when calendar strikes December 1st, it is always a reminder to everyone that it is Christmas season. The preparations start, being evidenced by Christmas trees, Santa Claus’ symbols all over. Etc. But there is always a question that arises from it, “From whence did Christians get the idea that Christ was born on…