Christian Life

Finance Bill 2023 Summary: Discover shocking Truth

The finance bill 2023 seeks to amend various laws relating to taxes and duties with the goal of increasing government revenues from taxes collected. This has created a hotly contested debate between the government, members of parliament, and the union of workers. The President of Kenya, William Ruto speaking in Narok on Sunday 4th June…

What next after Campus? Finding Strength In Scripture

Introduction: Transitioning from campus life to the real world is a journey filled with numerous challenges and uncertainties. As students approach the end of their educational journey, questions about the future start to loom large in their minds. Will they return to their roots or embark on a new path in the city? The unknown…

“Continue in prayer.” Colossians 4:2 from Charles Spurgeon’s morning and evening devotional.

It is interesting to remark how large a portion of Sacred Writ is occupied with the subject of prayer, either in furnishing examples, enforcing precepts, or pronouncing promises. We scarcely open the Bible before we read, “Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord;” and just as we are about to close the volume, the “Amen” of an…