Parable of the wedding feast

The parable of the wedding feast is recorded in Mathew 22:1-14. Jesus tells a parable to teach about the Kingdom of Heaven. He says that it is can be likened to a King who set a wedding feast for his son and sent his servants to call those who were invited but they refused. The Bible says that they would not come.

So the King sent his servants again to call them saying, “See, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and fat calves have been slaughtered and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast. There was even a wedding garment for everyone who was to attend. Those invited refused, some gave excuses and others killed the King’s servants.

King learning what they had done, sent his troops to kill the murderers and destroy the city. He then sent his servants again to the main roads to call all those they could find since the first group was not worthy. The king later found a gentleman who was at the feast without a wedding garment and was thrown out into the utter darkness.

The King is God and the Son is Jesus Christ. The wedding feast is God’s kingdom. Jewish leaders were the first group who had rejected to come to God’s kingdom. The servants were prophets which Jewish leaders had ignored, treated shamefully, and killed. God destroying their city would imply to destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD when Jerusalem was attacked and destroyed.

By Jewish leaders refusing the call to God’s kingdom, God called other people to his Kingdom. At the hall, the King found a man who had no wedding garment and he was asked how he got there without it, he was speechless. Attending a King’s feast without wearing what the king had ordered would be disobedience.

The garment is used in the scriptures to mean righteousness. Just as garments cover our nakedness, the righteousness of Christ covers the guilty. Our righteousness is like filthy rags. Christ’s righteousness is the wedding garment everyone must have to enter into the heavenly kingdom feast. The man without a wedding garment meant the Pharisees who thought they were righteous and did not need Christ’s righteousness.

Jesus also makes a statement that many are called but few are chosen. The gospel call is meant to all people but God works in the hearts of people to repent. Many people hear King’s invitation but only those God has chosen respond. Salvation is the work of God. He is the one who changes the hearts of men.

Are you saved? Then be thankful for what God has done in your heart. Do not cease to praise him in your songs and prayers. Live for Jesus. Live for the one who died for you. Tell your friends about Him. Do you have friends who don’t know Him? Tell them about Jesus and pray that he changes their hearts. Also, be humble. Think how he was merciful to you while others were left to perish in their ways. Always take time and meditate on how he has been good to you.

If you are not yet a Christian, please read this gospel here.

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